Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Today's Taxi Driver Is....

Buck. The first non-native Singaporean taxi driver I've encountered, but who has lived in Singapore longer than almost all the others. His father brought him from China to Singapore in 1940 to avoid the Japanese invasion of China. He said Singapore was safe during the war. I knew he'd be fun to talk to when we got really excited about Tamasek Tower and said something very enthusiastic, and totally impossible to understand. Then he said "u-turn, ya? no ERP! hahaha!" (ERP is the electronic tolls for driving in certain parts of the city at certain times. Lazy drivers won't avoid them and will charge you $2-3 a pop). We were fast friends.

He lives at Bukit Timah junction (in a flat, not in the actual MRT junction, he specified). He speaks hoquin (sp?) the taiwanese dialect, but also speaks Mandarin. I said "Wo she janadaren" and then we talked about Canada ;) Oops, probably should have stuck to "Megworun." I told him I was here for 2 years and he said "and you live there for 2 years" gesturing to the Somerset. I said "no, I'm moving to HDB, Real Singapore" - he liked that a lot.

Then he said "you not married? 2 more years, work then marry, hahaha"
Then I said "xie xie" and he laughed and said goodbye in Chinese.

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