Yesterday I went to Chinatown again, for the 3rd day in a row. It's really vibrant right now with preparations for Chinese New Year. It's a good way to combat post-Christmas blues, by having another major holiday less than a month later! I think I have just learned the tip of the ice burg about Chinese New Year- I think I will have plenty to report over the next 2 weeks.
Now I'm eating some ice cream from the Fair Price called "Bud's of San Francisco" - made in Thailand. I had to buy it. It has a picture of the golden gate bridge on it. It was only $5 instead of $14 like Ben & Jerry's.
I took a pic with Flat Stanley last night in Chinatown - there were the biggest pomelos I've ever seen, for quite a hefty price, especially for Chinatown - but they could feed a village.
Dear Mrs. Harris' 2nd grade class,
Today Braden's Flat Stanley ate a Pomelo. A pomelo is an enormous citrus fruit that usually weighs between 2 and 4 pounds - it's the size of a basketball!
People peel the pomelo and eat the inside, like you eat an orange. Sometimes, after people eat the fruit they make the peel into candy and dip it in chocolate - yum! They are popular to eat for Chinese New Year.
The pomelos in Singapore are some of the biggest pomelos in the world. Have you ever seen a fruit the size of a basketball?
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