On my way to work I walk down the streets of downtown listening to whatever my ipod happens to pop up, from the Cranberries (yay 90's nostalgia!) to the Brindisi from La Traviata (talk about music that pumps you up! ;).
I've also found myself doing particularly American activities, such as eating Burger King and McDonalds. Haven't had Burger King in at least 10 years, and my favorite ethnic item on the menu was taro pie. The last time I had McDonalds was 5 years ago in Ireland, when my friend Nkechi insisted on eating at the McCafe because it was the only thing under $10 (she had a valid point). My favorite ethnic item - the Prosperity Burger - apparently a seasonal Chinese New Year item. I lost my new Coach silk scarf as it blew off my head and immediately into someone's pocket moments after finishing my Prosperity Burger, so I don't think it helped.
I've also been watching whatever is on Star World, the channel that imports lots of stuff from the US (including lots of crap and new shows like Heroes), because the remote control is already out of batteries. That means I've watched lots of Friends and for the first time ever - American Idol. They show the same episode 3 times in a row - by the third time I'm pretty sure I know who's going to make it....
Wrote another letter with Flat Stanley...
Dear Mrs. Harris' 2nd Grade Class,
Today Braden's Flat Stanley went to the tailor. He is so small and flat that he has trouble finding clothes that fit! Luckily for him, Singapore is full of tailors who can make special clothes. Sometimes the tailors have little shops, and sometimes they do their work on the streets, like the one Flat Stanley took a picture with.
In Little India it is common to see the tailors on the street, because that is how a lot of the businesses are in India. In India, many people have small businesses, like making clothes, fixing cars, or making bread, and they sell their goods and services wherever they can. Sometimes they only have a little space on a street to sell them. Many people in India are very poor, and have to do whatever jobs they can to support themselves and their families. So, they make the most of what they have and set up their shops, like this tailor, right on the street.
After going to the tailor, Flat Stanley bought be a jasmine garland as a gift. Thanks Flat Stanley!

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